Meet the Artist ~ Amanda Riker
What is your name? Amanda Riker, but I also answer to Guen Where are you from? Wisconsin, USA Age? 28 going on 60 lol How long have...
Meet the Artist ~ Sweetpea Custom Dolls
What is your name (and usernames)? Michele Drake. People call me Chele. Where are you from? Born in Oregon, and I have lived in Alaska...
Meet the Artist ~ MumblesMummy
What is your name (and usernames)? My name is Beth. My username for pretty much everything is “MumblesMummy”. Where are you from? ...
Meet the Artist ~ Anna Sheva
What is your name (and usernames)? My name is Anna Sheva. Username: ShevaDolls Where are you from? I am originally from Moscow, Russia...
Meet the Artist ~ Brittany Chalk
What is your name (and usernames)? Brittany Chalk (Summer-Blade) Where are you from? Originally I was born in Germany but I’ve lived in...
Custom MLP Feature 11-12-2012
One sure way to get my attention is to give your pony a unique Japanese name. Has something to do with me being a student of the...
11/08/2012 Meet the Artist ~ MsGatamon
What is your name (and usernames)? Janet Zaharias MsGatamon on both the My Little Pony Trading Post and My Little Pony Arena and any...
11/06/2012 Meet the Artist ~ Kalavista
What is your name (and usernames)? Kalavista everywhere! MLP Arena, eBay, Yahoo, Deviant Art, etc. Where are you from? Iowa Age- ...
Custom MLP Feature 11-06-2012
Kimmers is an amazing artist in so many ways. But most notably, to me, is making a merpony I actually like. Ok there are a total of two...
Custom MLP Feature 10-24-2012
If we were to talk about a pony that gave you something new to look at every time you glanced up, this would be one of them. I feel very...