Meet the Artist~ DarkPhilomena
What is your name?
Neele Philomena Hanke (darkPhilomena)
Where are you from?
How long have you been customizing?
actively for around 4 years
What got you started?
I drew most of the time when I started, but then I found some people on youtube repainting their dolls like monsterhigh (f.ex. Nicolle`s Dreams,...)
What types of customs do you do? -mostly full doll customs from fashion dolls to ball jointed dolls (bjds) but I have also been customizing some smaller toys (like mlps and lps)
What sorts of mediums do you use?I work with a lot of mediums like acrylic paint , mr superclear (or other sealents), watercolor pencils , watercolor ,glitter ,pearl powder, brushes ,soft pastells , acrylic yarn ,nylon hair fiber ,alpaca fiber
Are there any products you just can’t live without?
acrylic paint ( + thin brushes) -i can do a whole faceup with just using that
What is your most favorite custom that you have made?
--- i love making demons<3
What is your least favorite custom that you have made?--- even tho i have to say i love the small cheshire cat i have sculpted
A lot of beginners get so frustrated when their customs don't come out the way they want them to, and often compare themselves to their favorite artists and give up. Can you show us your very first custom?
--sure thing ( i have to say i didnt use a sealent)
What is your most recent custom?
---this is an lol doll i customized recently
and this is my most recent faceups i have done
What is the worst injury you’ve had from working on customs?
I am happy to say that i never hurt myself seriously while cutomizing other than poking myself with
Who/What inspires you?
all the people on instagram ,deviantart that i follow as well as the vibe of halloween ( because i love making demon customs)
What projects are you currently working on?
i am working on some of my bjds
Do you have any odd habits while working on customs?- not sure if you would call it odd but i love listening and singing to music while working
What types of art do you enjoy?
i love art in all shapes and sizes but at the moment imostly focus on music and doll photography ( as well as some digital art )
Do you take commissions?
- i am open for commissions (only faceups at the moment )
Where can people see your work and contact you?
i never post on youtube and on tumblr i am under the same name as every where else
Do you have any favorite tips or tricks? i dont have any specific tips but all i can say is work in the style you want and feel makes you happy ,dont do what everyone else does
Any advice for people just starting out?- dont let yourself feel down for not being perfect and keep on practicing