Meet the Artist ~ DollsOfViiviic
What is your name?
on Instagram I go by DollsOfViiviic, but my real name is Jessica
Where are you from?
Northern Illinois, right by the Wisconsin border
How long have you been customizing?
I had to look this up actually x3
But I've been customizing for a little over a year now. I finished my first custom August 24th 2016. ^.^
What got you started?
I saw a Pikachu custom randomly on a site I was browsing through and thought to myself "How hard could that be?" and wanted to see if I could do it better.
What types of customs do you do?
♡I try to do a little bit of everything to be honest.
What sorts of mediums do you use?
♡ Acrylics and im just starting to experiment with watercolor pencils
Are there any products you just can’t live without?
♡Apoxy sculpt, Liqutex Varnishes, Mister Super Clear, and tiiiiiny paint brushes
What is your most favorite custom that you have made?
♡ That's a hard question but id have to say my Rainbow Unicorn
What is your least favorite custom that you have made?
♡gah another hard question but is have to say my first mermaid i ever did. She was made from a Honey Swamp doll but i never was that attached to her. I even took her wig off and used it towards a different doll.
A lot of beginners get so frustrated when their customs don't come out the way they want them to, and often compare themselves to their favorite artists and give up. Can you show us your very first custom?
♡ like i said pikachu was my first attempt at ever making a custom doll ^.^
What is your most recent custom?
♡ My lovely Dark Woman with my first attempt of adding depth to the face by cutting out the eye sockets.
What is the worst injury you’ve had from working on customs?
♡ ive slipped while using a exacto knife >.>
Lets just say i took a good chunk from my finger
Who/What inspires you?
♡alot of people from the wonderful artists I've recently discovered like PlushiePoke and Annimani_dolls to friends like Missy.Baque to even the bigger artists like Dollightful Hextian and Mozekyto. and so many in between
What projects are you currently working on?
♡ Currently working in a few swaps so their hush hush x3. but aside from that I've got a few started like a Pokemon one more dead by daylight characters.
Do you have any odd habits while working on customs?
♡I have to watch YouTube. and sit in my room with nothing but my desk lamp on. if i have the main room light on it just feels weird.
What types of art do you enjoy?
♡all sorts. i love crafting things with my hands making things is always something i have enjoyed.
Do you take commissions?
♡i have taken a few like my Lara Croft and McCree were both Commissions but i have had a commission that i have done for someone before and they never paid for it so it makes me hesitant to do them because i hate putting all the work in for the buyer to fall through. I've been considering maybe doing a few in the future.
Where can people see your work and contact you?
♡Right now most of my doll collection is just posted on my Instagram but i did have a DeviantArt for my fairy jars that i made
DeviantArt -
Any advice for people just starting out?
♡Just keep pushing yourself and don't give up. there is always new ways to do something or new methods to try. don't be afraid to get adventurous and have fun. sometime the best things can come out of just experimenting or playing around.