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Meet the Artist ~ Brittany Chalk

What is your name (and usernames)?

Brittany Chalk (Summer-Blade)

Where are you from?

Originally I was born in Germany but I’ve lived in Maryland most of my life



How long have you been customizing?

only two years

What got you started?

I was moving and found my old ponies some of them were beat up and I wondered what I was going to do with them I stumbled across a custom pony group on DA and then found the Arena and boom before I knew it I was tearing up a G3 bait and doing my first custom

What types of customs do you do?

I like to do all gens and dabble in a little of everything my favorite customs to do are super heroes

What sort of mediums do you use?

Acrylics for paint and some cloth for details I don’t like to do a lot of sculpting and I do use a lot of wig hair

Are there any products you just can’t live without?

Mod podge! must have the podge!

What is your most favorite custom you have made?

my avengers ponies!

What is your least favorite custom you have made?

mer this big Mac I tried to do I really need to redo him

What is the worst injury you’ve had from working on customs?

I cut my thumb while ripping out some hair with an exacto knife ouch

What is the funniest mistake you’ve made while working on your art?

me working on a G4 Hawkeye- “what color are clint’s eyes….green?” *paints eyes green and boyfriend walks in* boyfriend- “Hawkeye’s eye are supposed to be blue…” me- “darn it!” *grabs pony to repaint*

Who/What inspires you?

Comic books, the arena other artists

What projects are you currently working on?

G4 Loki, G3 Hawkeye

Do you have any odd habits while working on customs?

I have to have a cup of iced tea to drink

What types of art do you enjoy?

I like impressonest art and comic book art Jack Kirby is my favorite comic artist

Do you take commissions?


Where can people see your work and contact you?

I’m on the MLP arena as Summer-Blade I’m On DA also under Summer-Blade and I’m on Facebook as Brittany Chalk

Do you have any favorite tips or tricks?

keep a small box to keep projects in so you can do rehairs on the go or just keep stuff separate,

plastic sandwich bags are your friends.

What advice do you have for someone just starting to get into customizing?

Keep at it and learn to take constructive criticism and keep doing it! you learn best by doing

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