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Meet the Artist ~ DollsBrandNewLook

What is your name?


Where are you from?




How long have you been customizing?

2 years

What got you started?

My first doll was lolita

What types of customs do you do?

I like to do customizations of film characters, but not only. I also do my own projects.

What sorts of mediums do you use?

watercolor pencils,acrylic paints, dry pastels, MSC, nail remover without acetone, hot glue, glitter Varnish, Apoxie Sculpt.

Are there any products you just can’t live without?

MSC and Apoxie sculpt

What is your most favorite custom that you have made?


What is your least favorite custom that you have made?


A lot of beginners get so frustrated when their customs don't come out the way they want them to, and often compare themselves to their favorite artists and give up. Can you show us your very first custom?

This is Laura :) my first Custom doll

What is your most recent custom?

Corpse Bride

Who/What inspires you?

Tim Burton ;) hehe

What projects are you currently working on?

It's a secret :) But it's a movie character again :)

Do you have any odd habits while working on customs?

Yes. Always before work I drink: one cup of green tea and one cup of tea roibos. To purify the mind;)

What types of art do you enjoy?


Do you take commissions?

Sometimes yes

Where can people see your work and contact you?

◦ Twitter ★ @BrandNew_dolls ◦ Patreon ★ ----------------------------------------­­--


Do you have any favorite tips or tricks?

I do not think so

Any advice for people just starting out?

Do not give up. There is no bad customization. Each one is unique in its own way.

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