Meet the Artist ~ Amber Chavez
What is your name?
Amber Chavez/Mean Gene aka Customs by Kanozzle
Where are you from?
How long have you been customizing?
I started customizing about 4 years ago after I joined the ball jointed doll hobby.
What got you started?
I really wanted to be able to do my own faceups on my ball jointed dolls, so I started practicing on Monster High dolls.
What types of customs do you do?
I don't really have a specific type. I just make whatever pops into my imagination. Some of my favorite ideas have come from some great brainstorming conversations with other artist friends too.
What sorts of mediums do you use?
I use Derwent watercolor pencils, Sennelier and Schmincke pastels, and Americana or Apple Barrel acrylics. I started out using Artist's Loft products from Michaels though and had to accumulate all the higher end artist mediums slowly, piece by piece.
Are there any products you just can’t live without?
Mister Super Clear sealant. I have tried some others that have been suggested, but none work
as well for me as MSC.
What is your most favorite custom that you have made? That usually changes each time I finish a custom that I put a ton of work and thought into, so I'd have to say my current favorite is Melusine, my angler fish temptress.
What is your least favorite custom that you have made?
I think that might have to be Kaileah, my warrior cat. She was the first (and last) attempt I made to customize a black vinyl doll and, to me, she just looks terribly sloppy.
A lot of beginners get so frustrated when their customs don't come out the way they want them to, and often compare themselves to their favorite artists and give up. Can you show us your very first custom?
My absolute first was a complete fluke and sort of a cheat because I made her with her eyes closed. So instead, I'll show my first open eyed custom, Shasha Lepus, daughter of the killer rabbits (cringe lol)
What is your most recent custom?
My most recent custom is a Luna Mothews painted to look like a Death's Head Hawk Moth. I wanted to make at least one Halloween doll this year and she is my sort of tribute to The Silence of the Lambs.
What is the worst injury you’ve had from working on customs?
When I used to sew in the doll hair, I stabbed the 4 inch doll needle into my hands and fingers countless times.
Who/What inspires you?
I take a lot of inspiration from horror, fantasy, and sci-fi movies. I also really enjoy watching makeup artists create characters from scratch and there have been a couple of times I tried
to replicate their techniques and line of thinking to my customs.
What projects are you currently working on?
I have a list as long as my arm haha. I try to keep my works in progress a little close to the vest too because I don't want to jinx them.
Do you have any odd habits while working on customs?
I have to have on music or tv/movies. If it's quiet in my house, I feel like I'm suffocating in the silence.
What types of art do you enjoy?
I really love the works of Mark Ryden and Michael Hussar, but I generally love all types of art
Do you take commissions?
I offer commission work, but I have only ever done them for my daughters.
Where can people see your work and contact you?
I'm currently only on Instagram @customsbykanozzle
Do you have any favorite tips or tricks?
I would say that if a custom is really stressing you out, don't be afraid to put it down, or away even, and walk away. You can come back to it when you feel inspired again. Also,
don't be afraid to wipe a custom that just isn't progressing in a way you like. That is one of the nice things about this type of medium, you can always start again with a clean slate.
Any advice for people just starting out?
Try your absolute hardest not to compare yourself to other artists. It is one of the most destructive things you can do to yourself. Remember that your art represents where you are in your own artistic journey and you'll be able to look back on that and see how much you have learned and grown as an artist. Also, practice, practice, practice. Nobody, not even your absolute favorite artist started out
on their first custom and made a masterpiece.