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Meet the Artist ~ rin0730

What is your name?


Where are you from?

alcala de henares, spain. but currently living in cardiff united kingdom



How long have you been customizing?

3 years

What got you started?

I've always loved dolls, and since i'm a kid i tried to cut their hairs and make them clothes, around 12 years ago or more, I found out about noel cruz and the amazing custom he make, but I thought that was imposible for me to do, so i didn't try, but 4 years ago, U found custom dolls in pinterets and I decided to give a try, some day I may be as good as noel, who knows

What types of customs do you do?

I like to do whatever it comes to my mind, but what i enjoy most is doing fantasy dolls, as fairies, but also disney accurate characters for example.

What sorts of mediums do you use?

sealant spray, soft pastels, watercolor pencils and acrylic paints for the face, retro dolls hair, if i need to change their hair ( and yes i always use retrodolls as is the best option and with more varity in the uk), and fabrics, fimo, other clays, lots of things for the outfits. depends of what the doll is asking for

Are there any products you just can’t live without?

as many other people mr, super clear sealant

What is your most favorite custom that you have made?

What is your least favorite custom that you have made?

A lot of beginners get so frustrated when their customs don't come out the way they want them to, and often compare themselves to their favorite artists and give up. Can you show us your very first custom?

What is your most recent custom?

my seelie queen

What is the worst injury you’ve had from working on customs?

i stab my finger with my rerooting tool

Who/What inspires you?

i can't name only one thing, life itself, the books i read and the movies i see, even the people i meet

What projects are you currently working on?

loads, i need to focus in finish them. haha, but a series of disney dolls, and a series of super heroes dolls, and also the characteres of my favourite anime.

Do you have any odd habits while working on customs?

not really i have to do it on the couch otherwise i feel uncorfotable. but i belive the rest is just normal stuff

What types of art do you enjoy?

usually if is art i enjoy it, pictorical, photografy, sculture, music, films, theather, music, love art in every way posible

Do you take commissions?

yes i do

Where can people see your work and contact you?

facebook is my more personal,

then instagram, is the one i use the most for the dolls,

Do you have any favorite tips or tricks?

having a good pencil sharpener and cotton sticks with a bit of water or acetone is great to fix mistakes as soon as happen.

Any advice for people just starting out?

keep doing it, even if at the first try doesn't look good, try again. most of us, especially me, have to repeat the doll face a couple times till it looks like I want or like. don't give up, every good artist has a begining, even picasso had one, but they don't show it in the museums, but im sure he wasn't good at his first try .

also always get good materials, good quality paint and brushes will make a big diference, even if you think it wont because you are just starting, the diference working with good materials and bad ones can make a big diference in the result of the doll. plus, even being a bit expensive at the begining, will last years, so it worth it.

and finally, don't give up for a mean coment, there are jealous people everywhere, but make sure you take the advices as well and try not to get affected ^^

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