Meet the Artist ~ Elfy's Dolls
What is your name?
My name is Elfy's dolls
Where are you from?
I live in France, more precisely in the south west of the side of Toulouse between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea
At the foot of the Pyrenees mountains
38 years old
How long have you been customizing?
I started to customize dolls on August 31, 2015. It's barely two years ^^
What got you started?
One day while wandering on the internet, I came across a high customized monster. I found her very cute right away! have completely cracked. I wanted to try too ^^ Being already a handyman in the soul I already had everything necessary at home to realize my first personalization. So I started
What types of customs do you do?
I customize of monster high most of the time, small and giant . On the giants, I insert their eyes as on the bjd. But I also worked on Animator ,Pullip, BJD, barbie, EAH, my little pony, petshop….
What sorts of mediums do you use?
I use watercolor pencils, dry pastels, acrylic paint, sequins, rhinestones (make up). For the hair, I use wigs in alpaca fiber or mohair. I also use viscose and nylon. Recently, I also began to make reroot ^^
Are there any products you just can’t live without?
I could not work without a good material in general ^ ^ And no longer without the various collaborators
What is your most favorite custom that you have made?
LUNA^^ she’s so cute <3
What is your least favorite custom that you have made?
For this doll I was accused of copying another artist (because the idea of the connection of the two bodies was not mine). But this idea already exists several years and has been used by other artists
I was attacked with virulence for this creation
A lot of beginners get so frustrated when their customs don't come out the way they want them to, and often compare themselves to their favorite artists and give up. Can you show us your very first custom?
Sakura no Hana was my first custom ^^. This basic doll is an imitattion of monster high doll. My god we see very well that my work was not clean !! ^^
What is your most recent custom?
Pinkitty is my most recent custom ^^. the cat witch
Who/What inspires you?
fantasy, tales, magic, kawaii, Japanese culture, cartoons
What projects are you currently working on?
Currently I am working on a monster high boy to realize jack. An Emily. And a whole series in the style "Cabaret"
And also, swap, and a multi-designer contest
Do you have any odd habits while working on customs?
I often listen to music
What types of art do you enjoy?
Any kind of art.
Do you take commissions?
Yes, I take custom orders. for that you just need to contact me on my facebook page or on my instagram
Where can people see your work and contact you?
Youtube: Email:
Do you have any favorite tips or tricks?
work and testing are the only trick
Any advice for people just starting out?
to get there bold first and believe