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Meet the Artist ~ Dollightful

What is your name?

Katherine, aka Dollightful!

Where are you from?

Originally from Texas, USA, but currently living in South Korea.


I'm 25.

How long have you been customizing?

I've been customizing for about three years now.

What got you started?

One day during my senior year of college, I happened to be at target and walked across the doll aisle. I saw a Bratzilla Cloetta Speletta and fell in love-- shortly after I re-discovered the joy of toys and dolls as an adult, and my love for customizing followed soon after.

What types of customs do you do?

I love to try a bit of everything! Although I do favor the fantasy genre.

What sorts of mediums do you use?

Faber Castell watercolor pencils, Liquitex acrylics, and PearlEx Powders for the face, whatever I can find in the scrap fabric pile for clothes, wires and Apoxy Sculpt for limb modifications... it seems you need a bit of everything when it comes to doll customs.

Are there any products you just can’t live without?

I absolutly love Apoxy Sculpt and Epoxy glues. Can't live without it!!

What is your most favorite custom that you have made?

I like to rotate out my customs to keep the displays fresh, but it seems I never get tired of Cora. Gotta love a mermaid!

What is your least favorite custom that you have made?

This doll was an experiment in Mr. Super Clear alternatives-- I used matte varnish instead. As a result she took a great deal of effort and I was forced to used more acrylics than I was used too. I'm really not very fond of her, haha.

A lot of beginners get so frustrated when their customs don't come out the way they want them to, and often compare themselves to their favorite artists and give up. Can you show us your very first custom?

An Abby Bominable, my first full repainting attempt. This is why you use Mr. Super clear and not the matte finish you find at your local craft store!

What is your most recent custom?

Charlotte Copperchain, the Steampunk Lolita doll I made for the RetroDolls Swap:

What is the worst injury you’ve had from working on customs?

It seems I'm cursed to cut my finger or prick myself whenever I'm working with white fabrics. Thankfully I've never had a worse injury than that.

Who/What inspires you?

With a background in games, I continue to draw lots of inspiration from game character concept art. I also look to different cultures around the world for insight into different kinds of mythology and fashions.

Do you have any odd habits while working on customs?

My guilty pleasure is listening to scary stories while I work!

What types of art do you enjoy?

Aside from dolls, I enjoy oil painting, digital painting, book binding, sewing, sketching, and a number of oddball crafts.

Do you take commissions?

No, I make Youtube tutorial videos full time in hopes that people will be inspired to create their own unique works of art.

Where can people see your work and contact you?

Do you have any favorite tips or tricks?

Not exactly a tip or trick, but I think creating some concept art of the doll before you start gives it a much better chance to be successful.

Any advice for people just starting out?

The most important thing with your custom is that you're expressing your own creativity and having fun! Whether you want to bring an original character to life, or just re-paint a face to match your style, any level of customizing can be an enjoyable hobby. Be confident!

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