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9/30/2012 Meet the Artist~ Shelley Hogue

What is your name (and usernames)?

Shelley Hogue

Where are you from?




How long have you been customizing?

almost 2 years

What got you started?

I wanted to see if I could make my daughter her own doll. Then my other daughter wanted one. And so on…

What types of customs do you do?

Monster High dolls

What sort of mediums do you use?

nylon and saran hair, acrylic paints, nail polish, fabric paints

Are there any products you just can’t live without?

my re-root tool

What is your most favorite custom you have made?

What is the worst injury you’ve had from working on customs?

Once the re-root slid over the top of the scalp, cut into my finger, the skin caught between the prongs and ripped my thumb open.

What is the funniest mistake you’ve made while working on your art?

haven’t had a funny one yet.

Who/What inspires you?

movies, my kids, books I’m reading, seasons

What projects are you currently working on?

4 winter dolls, Loch Ness monster, 4-5 She-ra dolls.

Do you have any odd habits while working on customs?

No odd habits, only work while watching TV, usually really bad Sci-fi movies.

What types of art do you enjoy?

LOVE comic art

Do you take commissions?

No commissions unless I’ve worked with the person a lot.

Where can people see your work and contact you?

Do you have any favorite tips or tricks?

always have Fabri Tac on hand.

What advice do you have for someone just starting to get into customizing?

If you want to try it, do. Customing might take a lot of work, but it’s fun. If you don’t want to make it, buy mine. lol

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